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Water Slide Exterior Restoration

Why should I restore the exterior of my slide?

What type of problems can occur to a slide exterior?

The exterior of a water slide can take a massive amount of beatings, especially outdoor slides. UV Rays fade the color and make the paint brittle enough to the point that it chips off. This obviously creates an eye sore to those that visit your slide. Most slides are exposed to chlorinated water which usually creates hard water build up or scale. This also gives a faded look to the exterior of water slides. 

What are the reasons to restore the exterior of my water slide?

There are a few simple reasons why you should choose to restore the exterior of your water slide. First and foremost, exterior maintenance of your water slide will help in prolonging the slide's useful life. By repainting your slide with our industry rated paint that protects against year round UV rays, you will see a massive improvement in the curb appeal of your slide. Not to mention, we have access to thousands of colors to choose from if you are tired of the same color after all these years, don't be afraid to change things up. The removal of hard water buildup can also give a noticeable pop to a slide's appearance as well.

How does SlideWays exceed slide exterior restoration expectations?

At SlideWays, we are committed to our customers. We have very strict and clear processes for our team members to follow when it comes to restoring any part of a water slide. Our commitment is that you will always be 100% satisfied with our service.  

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